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The Emotion Code is a form of energy healing, created and developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson that helps to literally get rid of emotional baggage from the past. The Emotion Code is totally safe and gentle, you don’t need to discuss anything that you want to keep private, and it can be done in person, by telephone, Skype or by proxy via email. The Emotion Code is a part of The Body Code, a comprehensive system of healing, that heals mind, body and spirit.


What exactly is The Emotion Code?


The Emotion Code is an energy healing technique that helps us to identify and release trapped emotions - which are harmful emotional energies from negative past events. Trapped emotions can cause depression, anxiety, they can block people from love and happiness and make them feel disconnected from others. And because trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, they exert an influence on the physical tissues, and can cause acute pain and even cancer. Releasing trapped emotions makes conditions right for the body to heal- so physical and emotional difficulties often disappear or become much more manageable.



What are Trapped Emotions?


Just about everyone has some amount of emotional baggage from painful life events, right? It's not all in your head! Emotional baggage is very real, and although it's invisible it can really mess up your happiness, your success and your health. It's like lugging around a suitcase from every difficult event you've gone through - eventually the load gets too heavy not to notice. I call each "suitcase" a Trapped Emotion- a bit of emotional energy that was created, by you, during an emotional event, and got stuck in your body somewhere.


Trapped Emotions are literally like balls of energy, vibrating at different frequencies depending on what the emotion is (for example, Anger is a different vibration than Sadness or Insecurity). Trapped Emotions are negative, destructive vibrations, and tend to affect the body wherever they are stuck, creating pain and malfunction of bodily tissues, even disease. They can also cause depression, anxiety and loads of emotional problems. Trapped Emotions sure can make life miserable, but you can get rid of them using The Emotion Code and lighten your load for good!


What is an Inherited Trapped Emotion?


In using the Emotion Code, we have discovered that it is possible to inherit Trapped Emotions (TE's) from our parents at the point of conception. These TE's perpetuate the same limitations or alterations that they do on the original person they developed in. Some of these emotions have been traced back over 100 generations. How's that for making a statement!


When the inherited TE is released, it is also released from the lineage of the TE. In other words, everyone that is tied directly to that TE lineally, also has the TE released from them ... even though they may be dead. Unfortunately, this does not seem to work laterally, meaning the release will not go from great grandparent, to parent, to parent’s sibling. It does however travel from great grandparent, to grandparent, to parent, to client.



How do you release trapped emotions?

Trapped emotions are released using magnetic energy. Any type of magnet can be used, from a simple refrigerator magnet to a stronger magnet that’s used specifically for healing. Just like a magnifying glass will intensify sunlight enough to start a fire, magnets can act as an amplifier for the energy of your thought and intention, enough to produce a change in the body. The intentions and thoughts we have are energy. Magnets are energy. Your body is energy. Because of this, one can have an effect on the other. 

When we identify a trapped emotion with The Emotion Code, we simply must intend to release it, using a magnet to amplify this signal and put it into the body. We use the Governing Meridian (begins at the tip of the upper lip, across the top of the head and down the spine to the tail bone) as the entrance point for the amplified intention energy, because the Governing Meridian is an energy reservoir that connects directly to all the acupuncture meridians of the entire body. So when you put energy into the Governing Meridian, it flows instantly throughout the body and the trapped emotion is released.



What is a Heart Wall? And why is it important that I release it if I have one?


During times of emotional pain or distress, your heart can be really hurt or injured- this is where the words "heartache" and "heartbreak" come from. Sometimes we need to put up a form of protection, or a "wall" around the heart - but you can't build a wall of nothing, right? What ends up being used as "building materials" are the most common excess energies in the body- Trapped Emotions. 


The problem is that the Heart-Wall doesn't dissolve on its own, even if you don't need it anymore. Having a Heart-Wall long-term is like living in a bomb shelter- it's necessary short-term to protect you while the "bombs" are falling, but if you continue to "live" in there you'll feel sad, disconnected, frustrated and you could even end up with heart disease or other heart problems down the road. The Heart-Wall can be removed, one emotion at a time- freeing you to live from your heart, create abundance and find true love. Now that's what life is all about!



What is proxy testing, how does it work and who will act as proxy for me?

Proxy testing is muscle testing that is done on a proxy- a person who acts in place of another person. Proxy testing works quite a bit like how cellular phones work. Our bodies have a built-in capability to quickly and easily “dial” someone else, and create an energetic connection with them. Once you’re connected, you can get answers about what is going on with this other person’s body, because you’re picking up their energetic signal. Then once you know what needs to be fixed, you can fix it on the proxy person as well, and it corrects the problem on the person who you’re intending to help, no matter how far away they are.


Using self-muscle testing, I act as proxy for you with my intention being that I am doing the session for you. I ask the same questions as if you were with me in person or on the phone. Once I get the needed information, I release your Trapped Emotions on myself, on your behalf. When I am done, I disconnect from you, just like hanging up the phone at the end of a chat.



How does Muscle Testing work?


Muscle testing is a noninvasive tool we can use to identify imbalances in the body. The science behind it is similar to a lie detector test or a polygraph. In a polygraph, a person is hooked up to sensitive electrodes and asked certain questions. The person's answers generate a certain electrical response in the body, which is read and graphed by the machine, showing if the answers are true or false. This is done on a very delicate, minute scale. 


The muscles of the body are also affected by this electrical state- so we can use them to show this same response, just on a more pronounced, larger scale. Any muscle will become weakened in a state of incongruence or falsehood, making resistance difficult. Conversely, muscles will remain strong and able to resist when in a state of congruency or truth. What's nice is that muscle testing allows us to access important information about health, we just have to know what questions to ask, then apply the resistance to a muscle and get our answers!



Why Magnets?


Just like a magnifying glass will intensify sunlight enough to start a fire, magnets can act as an amplifier for the energy of your thought and intention, enough to produce a change in the body. 


The intentions and thoughts we have are energy. Magnets are energy. Your body is energy. Because of this, one can have an effect on the other. 


When we identify a trapped emotion with The Emotion Code, we simply must intend to release it, using a magnet to amplify this signal and put it into the body. We use the Governing Meridian as the entrance point for the amplified intention energy, because the Governing Meridian is an energy reservoir that connects directly to all the acupuncture meridians of the entire body. So when you put energy into the Governing Meridian, it flows instantly throughout the body and the trapped emotion is released!



Processing? What to expect after an Emotion Code session.


Doing The Emotion Code is like doing surgery on the energy body. We are literally looking for "malignant" or harmful energies that need to be removed, then we remove them, and the energy body has to heal and reorganize or regain its balance. If you were to do actual surgery to have a tumor removed, you would expect to have at least a few days of downtime afterward. Your surgeon would also likely tell you what to expect during this healing time, and he or she would also advise you to get extra rest in order to allow the body to heal. 


The advice after a session with The Emotion Code is just about the same! Be aware that if you feel out of sorts, have changes in your sleeping pattern, vivid dreams or emotional ups and downs, this is totally normal! Drink lots of water, eat healthy and get lots of rest, and let your energy body heal itself. You may not notice anything weird or negative, you might just feel great, but it's better to be aware just in case.



How long is a session?

An average proxy session can run anywhere between 20 minutes to 1 hour, depending on how many Trapped Emotions need to be released. Anywhere from 5 to 20 Trapped Emotions are usually released at one time. In-person and first time telephone sessions usually go for about an hour but can run up to 1 1/2 hours.


How are sessions done?

The Emotion Code sessions can be done in person, over the telephone, via video chat (such as Skype) or proxy via email. For proxy sessions, you will let me know via email what issues you would like to work on. I will do your session usually within 2-3 business days and will email you the results. Proxy sessions are great for those that have a busy schedule, live in a different country, or where there is a language barrier.


How many sessions will I need?

Some emotional and physical conditions may require only one session. More than 1 session may be needed, however, depending on how many Trapped Emotions need to be released. After The Trapped Emotions are released in a session, the body then needs to process that release. Your body knows how many Trapped Emotions it can safely release and process at one time. This processing usually takes 1-2 days, but can take up to 4 or 5 days or more. Each person is different in how they release Trapped Emotions, how many Trapped Emotions they can release at one time and how they process that release. After you have finished processing the released Trapped Emotions, you can then have another Emotion Code session and release additional Trapped Emotions.


How does this work on my pet?


The Emotion Code works just the same on animals as it does on you. As any animal lover knows, animals have feelings too. They may not be able to talk about them, but if you watch their behaviour and get to know them, you will soon be able to recognize their subtle changes of emotion.

Even without words, animals express their emotions clearly. When emotionally upsetting events occur, animals can suffer from trapped emotions just as people can.  By acting as Proxy and connecting to your pet’s energy, Trapped Emotions are located and released using the same process as for people.

Contact Me

If you have any questions, or are interested in setting up an appointment please email me so we can connect. I am honoured and committed to helping you find your healing. Healing doesn't have to be hard. 

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